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Japa Mala: a Powerful Meditation
Do you meditate using Mala beads? I was first introduced to Japa (meditation using Mala beads) in a yoga teacher training course about six years ago. It's a practice I [...]
Mobility & Flexibility: Why They Matter to Yoga Teachers
Mobility and flexibility are two similar yet distinct concepts. Understanding the difference can help you support your students to build a functional, intelligent yoga practice. Flexibility No doubt you’re familiar [...]
Ayurvedic principles to consider when sequencing a yoga class
Yoga teachers may find during their careers that it's sometimes difficult to support and provide exactly what their students need in a general open style class. It is a consideration [...]
Three Ways to Incorporate Sanskrit in Yoga Classes
A friend of mine is in the middle of a teacher training course at the moment, and he’s having a hard time memorising the Sanskrit names of the asanas – [...]
Gratitude Meditation for a Happier Life
Gratitude has become such a buzz word that I fear it's at risk of losing its meaning for some people. I hope I'm wrong, because implementing a daily gratitude practice [...]
6 Keys to Becoming a Great Yoga Teacher
I've practiced yoga with many, many teachers over the years. I've been lucky enough to have lots of good teachers, and a few really spectacularly amazing teachers. I've thought a [...]
“Marita, I cannot thank you enough for encouraging me to do your yoga teacher training course. I went into it hoping to deepen my yoga practice but it’s done a lot more than that. It’s given me the tools to live my life with compassion and gratitude.”