I was recently invited to contribute my top piece of advice for people new to meditation to an article on cleveryoga.com. As well as my input, the article contains advice by Tara Stiles, Erin Motz, Rachel Scott and others.

From the 15 of us who contributed, a clear theme emerged: start simple. Just do it. Sit and breathe every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Starting a meditation practice can be daunting. For so many people, sitting still and  simply being rather than doing is confronting, challenging, and even a little scary.

Ultimately, it’s one of the most worthwhile things we can do. Western medicine is finally catching up with what Eastern philosophy has understood for so long… that a meditation practice boosts our wellbeing on every level.

Personally, I know that meditating for 20 minutes every day makes me a far nicer human. I’m calmer and more centred, more productive and more patient. I’m less likely to fly off the handle, eat a bunch of crap, or feel anxiety getting the better of me. I also know that the busier I am and the harder it seems to fit meditation into my day, the more important it is.


There’s clear scientific evidence telling us that regular meditation can:

Have you meditated yet today? If not, now’s the perfect time. Turn off your devices, close your eyes, and observe your breath. It really is that simple.